I Know It. I Know It?

I know it – but do I believe it?
There are times when I do but the times when I don’t 
Are those that seize me: they are aplenty
There’s a myriad to mention
The constancy of my imperfect perception of you is depressing
I would’ve thought by now
I would’ve thought by now I would’ve figured it out
That you are you
That I’m infinitesimal me
That my ways are minuscule
And pale next to the gravity of you and who you’ll always be
You always were- even when I never was
Even when I never was, you loved me already
Before everything created, all that that my eyes can’t see
I see clearly- nothing almost
What I can- you’ve entrust’d
Grace unmeasured
Merely intellectually known
My heart yearns
Honor the times I groan
Grow the belief in my heart
Finish what you now own
Grow to fruition what you have sown
In my heart of hearts, sit enthroned
Glisten bright within like your blood on the wood shone
I know it. Teach me to believe it. Teach me to live in light of it.